pl Bracing System | VPA Infra

Innovation in support and bracing:
Bracing System

VPA is a pioneer in Brazil in the supply of Bracing System, revolutionary solutions for bracing and supporting extra loads in temporary containment and shoring. We prioritize safety and saving time and money in all our solutions. containment bracing    |    shoring bracing    |    shoring in large widths
Main advantages

VPA's Bracing System has distinctive features that offer a number of advantages over conventional methods:


They can be adjusted to different trench widths, eliminating the need to hire struts of different sizes. The adjustment is made on site, making the process even easier.

Lightweight and Easy to Handle

Unlike conventional solutions, modular bracing is light and easy to handle. This improves operational efficiency and reduces physical effort on the part of workers.


Bracing System saves the cost of purchasing metal profiles and beams, which are normally cut and welded on site. This, combined with the product's longer service life, results in significant savings.

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Prepare the equipment

Modular bracing can be assembled mechanically with pins and cotter pins or with easy-to-operate hydraulics. Have all the parts at hand before you start the installation.

Start the assembly.

The installation of modular bracing is simple and can be done by the construction team. Once the Sheet Pile wall is ready, simply fit the bracing and adjust it to the width of the trench.

Attach the beams

The bracing beams are attached to the containment structure using lifting chains. This makes it easier to use and provides greater stability to the set.

When can they be applied?
Modular bracing can be used for linear (two-sided) or three- and four-sided containments. The bracing struts and stringers are supplied with all the accessories. The beams are attached to the containment structure using lifting chains, making it even easier to use.
Bracing System vs Metal Beams
VPA's Bracing System is a clear evolution in relation to Metal Profiles and Beams. In addition to offering all the advantages already mentioned, they eliminate the need to cut and weld metal profiles and beams on site, reducing the time and cost of the work, as the metal beams must be purchased after being refurbished for the purpose, while the bracing has no purchase cost. The extended service life of Bracing System further increases shoring productivity.
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